Vitabiotics Ultra Glucosamine 700mg Tablets 60 per pack

0.5 kg

Ultra Glucosamine provides an easily absorbed form of glucosamine at the daily level used in published nutritional research.

Glucosamine Sulphate:
The glucosamine in Ultra Glucosamine is present in the preferred potassium form.
The glucosamine sulphate in Ultra Glucosamine is of a high quality USPÀÀ grade, produced in accordance with the quality control requirements of GMP*.
*GMP - Good Manufacturing Practice
ÀÀUSP = United States Pharmacopeia

User Information
Ultra Glucosamine provides an ideal level of glucosamine sulphate in a proven, absorbable form.
A regular intake is recommended.
Ultra Glucosamine is recommended with a balanced diet, rich in fish oil.

ÀThe glucosamine is present in the preferred potassium form for improved absorption and is sodium salt free. Each tablet provides 995mg Glucosamine Sulphate 2KCL. This equates to 700mg Glucosamine Sulphate (or 589mg glucosamine) per tablet when utilised by the body.
Britain's No. 1 leading supplements, The Queen's Awards for Enterprise Innovation 2013, Innovation in Vitamin Research, Made to high standards of quality control, No artificial colours or preservatives, Gluten free, No lactose or yeast, Ultra Glucosamine is not tested on animals Nutrition Value: Typical Values Average per 2 Tablets
Glucosamine SulphateÀÀ 1400 mg
mg - milligram, ÀÀUSP - United States Pharmacopeia Country Of Origin: UK